After a nearly four-year hiatus, I’m excited to announced that More to the Story Podcast is back!
What’s been going on for nearly four years since the last episode was released in July 2021? Well, briefly, several of my previous guests have since had books published, and, after a major relapse of MS and pausing my business for more than a year, I returned to my work as a book coach and editor working with women on their nonfiction books.
All of this tells me one thing: Time is on our side.
For this iteration of the podcast I’ll be doing things differently—basically, keeping it a little more casual, which takes a lot of pressure off of me to maintain a certain structure or format. As you’ll see in the episode, I’m going for making things easy and eliminating as many barriers as possible to keep this show going. Maybe that means it’s not as polished as I originally envisioned . . . and I’m okay with that.
Here are the links I mentioned in this episode, including the promised link to sign up for my email list:
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Leave a comment to let me know your thoughts, or just say hello. Questions welcome, too, I will answer in a future episode.
Thanks so much for listening and for being here! xo
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