When an opportunity for expansion and growth presents itself, but it’s something you’ve never done before, what’s your first instinct? To avoid doing it? To dismiss it simply because you’ve never done it? Maybe the idea of trying the thing hasn’t even occurred to you because you’ve never done it.
But just because you’ve never done something doesn’t mean you can’t do it, or shouldn’t do it. In fact I would argue that when this type of resistance comes up it’s a good indicator that it’s time to do some self-reflection and some exploring by first, getting curious and asking yourself some questions, and, second, taking one small action to get just a little closer to the thing you’ve never done.
In this episode I share an example of a client who came up against this resistance + some questions to ask yourself when it comes up for you.
Links mentioned in this episode:
My signature video course: Nonfiction Bootcamp
Sign up for my email list: jannamarlies.com/keep-in-touch
Leave a comment to let me know your thoughts, or just say hello. Questions welcome, too, I will answer in a future episode.
Thanks so much for listening and for being here! xo
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