When I introduce myself as a book coach, nearly every single woman I meet responds with, “Oh my gosh, I’ve always wanted to write a book.” Then we get to talking about what’s holding them back, and it is always some variation of “I’m not ready.” It usually sounds something like:
I’m waiting until I have a larger following.
I’m waiting until my kids are older.
I’m waiting until my business is more established.
I have to take care of XYZ thing first.
Now isn’t the right time because of XYZ.
I’m not a good enough writer.
I don’t know where to start!
It’s a big, scary, overwhelming project, and I don’t know how to do it!
All of these are a version of feeling like you’re not ready to do this thing that you say you’ve always wanted to do, and here’s a secret: If you’re waiting until you’re “ready,” you never will be!
It’s kind of like producing the first ever episode of Saturday Night Live, which I talk about in this episode after watching the movie Saturday Night on Netflix. That first night, the network producer kept trying to convince Lorne Michaels, the creator of the show, that they were’t ready and they should just try again the next week. But if he had done that, would there even be the great institution of American culture and comedy that we know and love today?
Links mentioned in this episode:
Subscribe to the podcast on Substack: moreothestorypodcast.substack.com
More about Under the Gum Tree: underthegumtree.com
More about my coaching & editing: moretothestory.co
Sign up for my email list: jannamarlies.com/keep-in-touch
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Thanks so much for listening and for being here! xo
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